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Original Clubhouse

Scorecard: Original Course Record
Charles Wiggs - 63!
Current Course Record set by Tim Mewis -59!

From The Bellville Times:
Bellville golf course opened in 1931
On August 22, 1931, Mary Spence and James and Blanche Marable leased 87.7 acres of land fronting on State Highway 36 to F.C. Roensch, William A.E. Meinscher, L.J. Clark, T.B. Wheat, and C.W. Agee for $40 per year payable August 22 each year.
The lease stipulated the acreage could be used to layout and construct a golf course. The lessors reserved the right to graze not over fifteen head of cattle on the tract, which had been previously used as a watermelon farm.
The lease also allowed James Marable to be a member of the club without paying dues and further that he would help in laying out the configurations of the holes.
The lease was to run for five years with an option to renew after five years on the same terms and if the property was offered for sale, the lessee had the right to bid for the property. The lessor also reserved the right to cut firewood on the property provided he did not drive over the fairways and “greens” with a vehicle.
The lease was revised on April 1, 1932 increasing the yearly rental to $100 payable August 22 each year provided that the lessor no longer grazed cattle on the tract, but he could continue to cut firewood.
Under the direction of William A.E. Meinshcer and assisted by James Marable nine golf holes were laid out on the tract.
The putting surfaces consisted of sand on which used motor oil was poured to prevent the sand from blowing away. A metal drag was used to smooth a putting path to the cup before each putt was made. There was no watering system on the course and the fairways were the natural sand of the tract. What grass that did grow received moisture only from rains.
On August 17, 1936 Mary Spence, et all renewed the lease to the Bellville Golf Club for another five years for $110 per year payable August 22 each year. The trustees named at that time were R.E. Boelsche, J.A. Neely, W.B. Burgess, H.O. Fisher, and E.T. Vogelpohl.
On September 9, 1949 James and Blanche Marable sold 79.009 acres of the tract to J.A. Neely, Joe A. Peschke, M.C. Albert, Anton Dittert, and F.C. Roensch for $10 and other valuable considerations. These individuals on February 14, 1950 conveyed the 79.009 acres to the Bellville Golf Club, Inc. The above named individuals then served as the club’s board of directors.The only equipment owned by the course for its maintenance was a Fordson tractor and a gang-mower to cut the fairways when the grass became high enough to be cut. Herman Reinecke was employed when the need arose to mow. The only structure on the course was a shed to shelter the tractor and gang-mower.In the late 1950s interest in the course waned and few people played it: nearby were several courses with grass greens, which were more inviting. A general meeting was called about 1957 and all parties interested in improving the course by the construction of grass greens and watering system were invited to attend. Those present at the meeting agreed that improving the course would be the only way to attract more interest and play, and as a consequence improvements were begun I n1958 again under the direction of William E.A. Meinscher.
Practically all the work was done by members on a voluntary basis. John C. Fant acquired some used pipe from the Humble Company (now Exxon) at a nominal cost and this was used as a watering system. In less than a year the area acquired the appearance of a modern golf course; other improvements were added such as a clubhouse, new maintenance equipment, and storage facilities for equipment and for golf carts, which had become popular by that time.On June 27, 1960 the Bellville Golf Club, Inc. conveyed the course and improvements to the Bellville Golf and Recreation Club (a non-profit organization) and this has continued to be the name by which the course is known at present.There were many members and friends, which joined in the voluntary work which enabled the course to attain its present pleasing appearance and usage. There are now well over 100 members and an active Ladies Golf Association as well as an active Men’s Golf Association; interest in the course continues at a high level.

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